From the popular anime series "Haikyu!!" comes a Nendoroid of the Nekoma High Boys’ Volleyball Club captain known as the "Calm and Collected Tactician", Tetsuro Kuroo, in his second uniform!
He comes with three face plates including a standard face, a serious face often seen during matches and a smiling face! The Nendoroid comes with parts to create receiving poses as well as blocking poses. Optional parts include a volleyball, a special base made in the image of a volleyball court, a Nekoma High Boys’ Volleyball Club support flag, his team jacket, a calico cat miniature figure and a grilled Pacific saury! Be sure to add him to your collection and display him with Nendoroid Kenma Kozume: Second Uniform Ver. (sold separately) available for preorder from the same time!
Name | Nendoroid Tetsuro Kuroo: Second Uniform Ver. |
Release Date | Aug 2022 |
Announce Date | Mar 04, 2022 |
Manufacturer | ORANGE ROUGE |
Series | Haikyu!! |
Product Type |
Specifications | Painted plastic non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height. |
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