A new original character created from a collaboration with a popular illustrator is joining the Nendoroid Doll series! Illustrator Rella's original steampunk style character "Inventor: Kanou" is joining the Nendoroid Doll series! Nendoroid Dolls feature the same Nendoroid heads, but an alternate doll-like body that is highly articulated and can easily be dressed-up into different outfits while still remaining a palm-sized action figure! The figure features a stylish hat, winged bag and more. Be sure to add him to your collection!
*Skin tone of this Nendoroid Doll is a special color to match that of the original character.
Set Contents:
Figure (with Barefoot Parts and Removable Monocle)
Winged Bag
Shirt with Vest Attached
Belt with Decoration (with Removable Vials)
Boots (with Magnets in Soles)
Interchangeable Hand Parts (Closed Hands (Right/Left), Pointing Hands (Right/Left), Bag Holding Hand (Left))
Magnetic Base (for Magnetic Soled Shoes)
Articulated Stand
Name | Nendoroid Doll Inventor: Kanou |
Release Date | Feb 2022 |
Announce Date | Jun 24, 2021 |
Manufacturer | Good Smile Company |
Series | Nendoroid Doll |
Product Type |
Specifications | Painted ABS&PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 140mm in height. Other Materials: Cotton, Polyester, Magnets. |
- Payment accepted via credit card and PayPal. Payment will be processed as soon as the items are in stock, generally 2-3 weeks prior to the shipment date.
- Payment will be charged in either American Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR) or Japanese Yen (JPY) per your selection. Contact PayPal and/or your credit card company regarding currency exchange rates.
- You may be charged additional fees such as import tax when making an overseas purchase. Please consult your local customs office for more information.
- As outlined in the user guide, we do not accept cancellations. Please consider your purchase carefully before ordering.
- Should you have any questions, please contact customer support. English and Japanese support available.
* Please read the usage guide before purchase.